Every Direction

February 18th, 2010

0218001810aToday I set up shop at the University of Georgia’sย Tate Student Center. It reminded me of performing in a theatre in the round, and I was in the middle of the stage. Students and faculty came at me from every direction. It was an awesome experience. Just when I was through talking to one group, another would approach from a different direction. The weather was a major co-operation, which helped to allow for longer conversations. WNEG, the on-campus television station, did a wonderful interview on the plaza. It is a great way to spread the kindness message on any campus. Soon after the interview, The Red & Black, the school newspaper called to do an interview. A service organization on campus, International Events Association, booked me to speak at one of their events this evening. Everyone, I am convinced, wants to embrace kindness and service in their lives. Boy, do the students at the University of Georgia make you feel at home. Even Bogart stretched out on his blanket I took for him as if he owned the place. He and I felt totally at home on this sprawling campus.

Melissa and Nick, who work for the International Events Association, are two students who are dedicated to others in this world. I was very impressed at how involved they are at such a young age. Tochuku, came by to express her gratitude, she says she has been seeing the bus all over town. She made Bogart feel as welcome as if he were Uga. Thank you, Tochuku. Erin, who lives in downtown Athens, was so amazed at seeing the bus in her town, so she took a stack of stickers for all of her friends. These are but a few of the almost seven-hundred students I talked with.

4 Responses to “Every Direction”

  1. Jean Lin says:

    Hi, I am a student at the University of Georgia. I got your sticker in front of the Tate center and it triggered my curiosity. I came to tell you my admiration for you. One million acts of kindness is not a easy task nor a hard one. I hope of a more wonderful world as well as you wish. Let’s make it happen in the future. Or say, make it come ture now via every kindess we spread in the moments. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Clare says:

    I don’t know if you remember me but i told you that im studying to be a nurse (UGA student!) My short talk with you earlier today really inspired me to keep striving to become part of the nursing community. This message… one million acts of kindness.. i honestly hope that it becomes more than a million. I hope that it becomes a billion. I know messages like this keep you going and please KEEP going!!! Every one of us has the opportunity to make a difference in this world. You opened my eyes to that even more today and I really appreciate it! Good luck on your journey to, hopefully, a BILLION acts of kindness ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Stephen Cramer says:

    Bob, I saw your bus in downtown Athens on Thursday. I saw it when I drove to campus for work (Red Cross Blood Services), and when I went drove through downtown after work. I nearly went back home after seeing it the second time to get my camera and come back for photos. You’re such an inspiration. The bus was on Thursday, even more so after learning about your website and your mission. I moved to Athens *because* of its kindness. It would be nice if it could spread outward more easily. ๐Ÿ™‚ My family’s from Ohio, Akron-area. Keep up the awesome philosophy! I plan on making a career of positive psychology. I might need to pick your brain someday. I’ll be in touch. Drive safely. ๐Ÿ™‚