A Trip to the Dog Park

October 17th, 2010

10-17-10“Isn’t he supposed to be the kindness dog?” another dog owner asked with an inquisitively, perplexed tone. Bogart had just taken the ball from yet another dog. While in the dog park, Bogart anoints himself, “Bogarto! King of the Tennis Balls and Frisbees.” Any moving object is fair game. Any person, is a potential game player. He chases anything thrown to any dog by anyone, he is the Dog Whisperer poster child; the “before” picture. Any dog park we visit, Bogart quickly becomes the topic of conversation of all the other owners, in hushed tones. The looks on their astonished faces, give away their thoughts, as they turn to track Bogart’s every move. He is an Alpha dog with a triple shot of expresso running through his bloodstream. When asked his name, at times I want to make up an alias.
When it is time to leave is another story. While in the dog park, we are on “Bogart savings time;” the clock is advanced or reversed at will, Bogart’s. When I walk to the exit, Bogart stands just beyond my reach. He is just a bit faster than I and his reactions to my reach are instantaneous. I swear, I could have a T-bone steak, just off the grill, and Bogart won’t come if he chooses not to…Take one look at his face though, how could I ever be upset with Bogart.

One Response to “A Trip to the Dog Park”

  1. Mary Kay says:

    I saw your kindness truck on Columbus Avenue this past weekend and it put a smile my face and gives me hope. I too have a dog named Bogart and frequent the Bull Moose Dog Run. My Bogart looks like your Bogart except a much larger (75 lbs worth). We must have crossed paths. Glad you and Bogart stopped by!