Rockefeller Center

October 7th, 2010

10-7-10Bogart worked his magic with everyone yet again, including New York’s Finest. We headed to this part of town, one of the busiest in the city. Finding the last spot to park was magic, one truck pulling out as I headed in. So here we are in Rockefeller Center, the very heart of Manhattan, Bogart making friends with nearly everyone who passes by. Being able to position The Kindness Bus in an area like this gives us high exposure. Bogart and I worked the morning shift and Sara, the newly appointed State of California Kindness Ambassador, joined us for most of the afternoon shift. Our main objective was to promote the Kindness Certificate. Sara and Bogart were a team, working in tandem to promote One Million Acts Of Kindness. One family from Huntsville, Alabama, and a travel companion of theirs, was all it took for me to know that we are on the right track with this mission. They were in awe of the thought of having a goal like this in their lives. A local resident, Miriam, had just had lunch with her daughter, their conversation was about this world needing a global kindness movement. Unbelievable!!

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