Festival of Lights

December 27th, 2011

12-27-11Tomorrow marks the end of Hanukkah. It is an eight day celebration. Holidays such as Hanukkah, Christmas and Kwanzaa, bring families and friends together to share good times. All holidays should be celebrated, these are special times for families. Use the opportunity of having children around to teach them the importance of acceptance and inclusion of others and their beliefs. We are all different and we are all the same. We should celebrate the differences of other’s nationalities, race and creed.
Celebrate others’ beliefs by wishing them the best of their culture and religion. Say “Happy Hanukkah!” Say “Merry Christmas!” Say “Happy Kwanzaa!” The most important thing is to learn about are the positive values each religion and culture teach. Kindness, gratitude, love, atonement, forgiveness, acceptance and charity are but a few. Learn, so you can teach the children of your family, and of the world, these values of all religions.

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