4,000 Miles and Counting!

January 18th, 2012

4,000 Mile Bicycle Ride

For The Real Heroes

Wounded Warriors

Police and Firefighters Killed in the Line of Duty

On the average, a Police Officer is killed in the line of duty every 53 hours. Many of these officers die by gun violence. These violent acts are performed by individuals who have no respect for most anyone. Families of these fallen officers need your help. Get involved in comforting these families in their time of need.

The heroics of Firefighters often times go unnoticed. These brave heroes risk their own lives to save those in harm’s way, many times without so much as a thanks. Schedule a visit to a firehouse in your neighborhood. Take as many children with you on your visit so they can learn at an early age just who the real heroes are.

Visit www.va.gov to find volunteer opportunities or locations of Veterans Hospitals in your area to visit heroes. The help you offer is so needed and important to the lives of those who have sacrificed to protect our freedoms. Donate your time to one of the charities that support Wounded Warriors in our country.

Thank all of these heroes in person, every opportunity you have.

Bogart, Bob, The Kindness Bicycle and The Kindness Bus of One Million Acts Of Kindness are riding fromSanta Monica, California to Jacksonville, Florida beginning on January 21st 2012 and ending on June 21st 2012, to raise awareness about the heroes who protect us and protect our freedoms, by putting their lives on the line everyday. Many of these heroes are coming back injured from war, needing life saving surgeries and life long assistance….many of these heroes are coming back with no one to care for them. 

Open your heart to these heroes and their families.


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