Taking the Kindness Bicycle for a Test Ride

May 29th, 2012

5-29-12Macedonia, Ohio was my start for this long day of riding The Kindness Bicycle and doing kind acts. I stopped at the fire and police administration buildings to visit the “brass” in this town. I had great success as both departments agreed to post information about The Kindness Bicycle Ride for Heroes in their buildings. Detective Sergeant Ken Turley was particularly interested as this small department just observed the anniversary, line of duty death of Patrolman Gary Paster.
This morning I had a great reunion with many members of my family. Thank you to all of them for their huge support in so many ways. I almost had cousin Norm convinced that he was a “natural” for traveling on The Kindness Bus Tour as he took The Kindness Bicycle for a spin. It is always so much fun getting together with family.
I then headed to the town of Chesterland for a long distance delivery of a package I picked up in Boulder, Colorado. Derby, the manager from Snooze, a restaurant in Boulder told me she moved from Chesterland to Boulder and knowing I would be heading through this town, I volunteered to deliver whatever package she wanted to put together for her mom. I visited with her mom and dad and celebrated this long distance delivery of love.

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