Archive for January, 2013

Sarasota Schools

Thursday, January 17th, 2013

1-17-13Connections for future visits to this area  is the reason I visited several schools during my stay in Sarasota, Florida. Every stop was fruitful, there being an expression of need for kindness in schools.
Schools will be harder to access because of the tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut. Many added hoops will need to be “jumped through,” so I am doing the due diligence on this time through these communities.
I visited new friends, Jim and Lauren on my travel south to Naples. They have three Boston Terriers, Logan, Phalen & Rylan, and it was a joy to visit as the dogs did their own bonding. Bogart was in dog heaven, trying to find just the right toy to play with. Thank you for the generosity and hospitality!!
Yesterday there was an article written in the Belgian newspaper L’ Echo by Stèphanie Fontenoy. The story is below.

Bob Votruba et Bogart, en visite sur le campus de l’université de l’Ohio.

Face aux armes, la gentillesse

Portrait Stéphanie Fontenoy

Comment répondre aux tueries de Columbine, Virginia Tech, Aurora, Newtown ? Avec “un million d’actes de gentillesse”. La réponse paraît simpliste, à première vue. Alors que des milliers d’Américains dévalisent les armuriers dans la crainte d’un ren­ forcement du contrôle des ventes d’armes et que le Congrès va s’étriper sur le sujet dans les semaines qui viennent, Bob Vo­ truba, un Américain de 52 ans, s’attaque de manière indivi­ duelle au problème.

En 2007, sous le choc du massacre de Virginia Tech, qui a fait 32 morts sur un campus américain, ce père de trois grands enfants prend la route pour assister aux funérailles des victimes. “Je me suis dit que quelque chose allait très mal dans notre société. Les jeunes ne partagent plus les valeurs avec lesquelles j’ai grandi : l’amour, la gentillesse et le respect. Ils deviennent adultes trop vite. Si on leur montre le bon exemple, il y a moins de risques que ces tragé­ dies se produisent”, explique­t­il aujourd’hui.

En 2009, cet habitant de l’Ohio se lance dans un tour des Etats­Unis, à bord d’un vieux bus scolaire, pour apporter sa réponse à la question qui le taraude : quelle attitude adopter à la suite de ce genre de drame ? Alors que la société américaine cherche une solution collective, Bob Votruba croit à l’action individuelle. “J’ai eu l’idée de lancer le défi du million d’actes de gentillesse. Au cours de son existence, chaque personne à la possibi­ lité de faire une différence dans la vie des gens qui l’entourent. Cela commence par un “Bonjour, comment allez­vous?”, laisser passer les gens devant vous dans la circulation, donner un coup de main.”

Quatre ans plus tard, il continue sa mission. A bord de son bus décoré de messages positifs sur l’espoir, l’entente et la paix, et accompagné de son fidèle terrier Bogart, l’ancien entrepreneur est accueilli à bras ouverts dans toutes les écoles du pays. Pour faire la différence, plaide­t­il, il faut faire passer le message aux plus jeunes. A son initiative, des dizaines de classes se sont enga­ gées à relever le défi de la bonté et 15 000 enfants ont reçu leur certificat. “Je veux créer une génération de la gentillesse. Il y a de la place en chacun d’entre nous pour créer notre propre mouvement.”

The Out-of-Door Academy

Wednesday, January 16th, 2013
1-16-13I love doing this!!!
I received an invite to visit the Out-of-Door Academy, on Siesta Key and jumped at the chance to do a kindness program for this K-5 private school. Rachel Schaeffer, one of the parents fast-tracked my visit and it dovetailed perfectly into the kindness campaign on their campus. Bogart was a huge hit with the hundreds of students. The faculty and students were were extremely welcoming and showed a huge interest in my mission. This school is a beautiful learning environment and was a pleasure to visit.
Thank you to Katie Hendrick of the Longboat Observer newspaper for the wonderful front page photo and caption about One Million Acts Of Kindness. Her online photo shoot is below.

New College of Florida

Tuesday, January 15th, 2013

1-15-13Nearly three years ago, I visited the New College campus just before their spring break. This campus could have the most beautiful view, a two mile vista across Sarasota Bay to Longboat Key. Today I started at the Student Affairs office and talked with Lisa who already knew of One Million Acts Of Kindness. I love when this happens. She is spreading the word of my mission on campus.
Thank you to Tagen, a first year student, who helped with today’s photo and with the some of the goings-on on her campus. Chelsea, a senior, was very complimentary on my ride and thanked me for visiting her campus.
My afternoons and evenings are being used to promote One Million Acts Of Kindness Week. Other work is being accomplished with a goal of kindness for schools across the United States.

Sandy Hook, One Month Later

Monday, January 14th, 2013

1-14-13It is hard to believe that a month has passed since the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School. So much time and energy has been put into covering this story. City, state and federal branches of government have, and will work, to draft legislation to protect children. Countless groups, schools, churches and individuals have done amazing charitable acts of kindness to comfort, directly or indirectly, for others since that tragic day.
All of us should use an event like this to comfort those in need, especially the youngest in our society. Don’t wait another moment, for months, turn into years.

Girls, Inc.

Sunday, January 13th, 2013

1-12-13When you hear about something twice and end up seeing it along your travels in the course of a week’s time, it is for a reason. I know of Girls Inc., but never realized the extent of what they do, and how long they have been doing it.
The local chapter in Sarasota is addressing bullying in their schools. The message my ride teaches is perfect for their group.
Below is a brief summary of their work on a national basis. It is taken from their website.
Girls Inc. inspires all girls to be strong, smart, and bold through life-changing programs and experiences that help girls navigate gender, economic, and social barriers. Research-based curricula, delivered by trained, mentoring professionals in a positive all-girl environment equip girls to achieve academically; lead healthy and physically active lives; manage money; navigate media messages; and discover an interest in science, technology, engineering, and math.
Visit their website to learn about all the great things they are doing.

You’re Doing Something Good

Saturday, January 12th, 2013

While out on a long ride today, I talked with a psychiatrist from Connecticut. She told me she lives in the next town over from Newtown. At the end of our conversation, she told me, “Your doing something good.” Hearing statements such as these, lets me know that I am on the right path.
I also stopped by a farmer’s market in the downtown area of Sarasota. It was a perfect way to talk with some of the thousands of locals who have seen me riding in their town for the past two days. Bogart was able to meet some four legged friends as well.

One Month and Counting

Friday, January 11th, 2013
One month from today begins a week of kindness, with the start of One Million Acts Of Kindness Week. This event, its 4th year, is all about helping out your community with a much needed project. A link to the specifics and sign-up form is below.