
Most of us think that changing the world is impossible. The world is too big…too many people in it…too many problems to solve. Do you often feel this way? While it’s understandable, be assured that it is not true!

Let’s start smaller. How many kind thoughts of others can you have in a day? How many people can you encourage? How many people can you help in small way? Now we’re onto something…

Imagine… if we simply hoped for the best toward every person we come in contact with during the day. If each one of us, day by day, shared acts of kindness with those we know and those we don’t know…how would the world change? How would YOU change? How far would our kindness spread?

Start with your own world and your own circle of influence. Your friends, family, and community. Start now. Continuously let kindness be the cause you support and watch it grow into a better future!

Send us your story of kindness…how did the “One Million Acts of Kindness” message change your perception, your day, maybe even your life?  Tell us about a community project or volunteer effort you experienced or about everyday kindness you’ve been living or about your experiences with children and this message.  Do you have ideas that could help us and others live a more compassionate and thoughtful life?  Share with us and your story could be posted on this blog page!  Send us your stories.