Archive for March, 2016

Thank You Bogart

Sunday, March 6th, 2016


Bogart has a very big fan base. He is the star of the show, without a doubt. On the side of the Kindness Bus is a spot for Bogart fan mail. Children and adults alike, across the United States love writing notes to thank Bogert for just being who he is…The Kindness Dog!
Many of the schools I have visited recently have sent me packages with thank you notes for Bogart. It is so very special to read these letters of affection they have for him.

The Simpler, The Better

Friday, March 4th, 2016


I have begun to fill in many of the empty spaces on the Kindness Bus. There must be at least 1,000 empty spaces where I can fill in with a message of kindness.
I have requested that people send their suggestions to me letting them know that simpler is often better. One of the more recent quotes came from a teacher at Calusa Park Elementary in Naples, Florida.
I love the simplicity of this message: “It’s nice to be nice.”

Kiwanis Club of Naples Florida

Wednesday, March 2nd, 2016


Talking to any Kiwanis group is like preaching to the choir. All of these organizations volunteer to do wonderful things in the local communities. Most of these acts of kindness are directed at helping children. I am so thankful for the invite to be the speaker at the Kiwanis Club of Naples, Florida. My message to them was two-fold, that no matter how kind and giving you are already, you can always be a little kinder and that perhaps some of them may have the chance to do something full time for a charity for the rest of their lives.

Return on Investment

Tuesday, March 1st, 2016

3-1-16 (2)

Visiting schools across the country my hope is that I make a connection to the students with kindness. I hope that the message stays with them long after I have left. This has certainly been the case and recently it was called to my attention by one of the students who left a package with her mother on the side of the Kindness Bus.