The benefits of traveling the country are many. The people who open their hearts to me are too numerous to write about. I could write daily for the next few years and not be able to tell all of their stories. It couldn’t be any more rewarding for me to hear the inspiring stories from the thousands of fascinating people I have met along my path. It seems people feel comfortable talking with the guy driving The Kindness Bus. I cherish some of their stories and recount them to others.
A number of people send me things, mainly inspiring letters and well-wishes. Entire classrooms send me the kindness projects they have created. Some people send magazine articles, some send books. One woman sent a very special book; as a very special gift.
I met Ginny at a fund-raiser in Georgia a few months ago, she is very dedicated to the cause of Alzheimer’s research and was extremely interested in One Million Acts Of Kindness and what I had to say. She was captivated at the thought of living on a bus with no amenities, I couldn’t convince her how easy it is.
My visits to my PO Box are rare. On the last visit, I received a few packages, one of them was from Ginny. The most meaningful gifts one can give are the possessions which have sentimental value to the giver. This book, I’m sure has value to her because she has owned it since she was a young girl; it was a gift for her First Communion. It now has great meaning to me as it was a gift from the heart and the story of kindness in the book is told to children in such a beautiful way. Thank you Ginny.
Archive for July, 2010
A Very Special Gift
Friday, July 30th, 2010Guest Bloggers Coming Soon
Thursday, July 29th, 2010I have had interest on occasion, from people wanting to promote their cause and express their thoughts on making this world a better place. I love the thought of this becoming a part of the One Million Acts Of Kindness website. The guest blogs will be primarily on weekends and will cover a wide variety of issues. As time allows, these blogs will be used to educate readers on important subjects and upcoming events. Varying viewpoints will always be considered as long as the subject matter dovetails with what is being accomplished on this blog.
Please send any thoughts about writing a guest blog to my email box at,
Happy blogging!
Plush Interior
Wednesday, July 28th, 2010The Kindness Bus is getting some minor interior changes. In an 84 sq ft area there isn’t much you can really do, but it is important that every bit of that space is used wisely. Securing storage of items from shifting while moving and the vibration of the bus while running was something I didn’t give enough consideration when designing the storage areas. Drawers which latch seem to make sense, plus it is an easy way to be able to adopt the “out of sight out of mind” adage. Perfect when I have an on-bus dinner party for ten, (just kidding). This Architectural Digest worthy renovation will take place during the course of the next few days, prior to The Kindness Bus heading back to New York City for the better part of August.
Dance Card Filling Up Nicely
Tuesday, July 27th, 2010It is a pleasure for me to be contacted by schools and organizations throughout the country inquiring about my availability to come and talk to their group. One Million Acts Of Kindness now has programs for schools from Early Childhood through College. I am designing a workplace program to address tolerance of others to help to curb tensions which may arise on the job. The message of all the various programs, challenges those in attendance to better themselves through living a life of kindness.
The younger ages are taught simple, core value lessons, through the use of puppet shows. In the older age groups, I address bullying, real life social issues and the passion within. The power of one, is another theme I use to inspire those in the crowd. The many inspiring people and stories which occur along my travels, hold the attention of the audience and help to inspire as well.
Great Question, Sioux Falls, SD
Monday, July 26th, 2010Trying to learn something everyday is a goal all of us can have to help our self improvement all life long. No matter how small of a lesson, one can take with them some bit of knowledge. Anyone can learn a positive lesson from both good or bad experiences, you only have to choose what you wish to benefit.
Staying in a community where service to others is a major priority, I was able to witness both young and old working to help others. There is a great deal one can learn from a caring community such as the Mennonites.
Here is a scenario followed by the question which was posed to me and I now relay it to you.
Close your eyes and think back over your life. Take as much time as you need to try to remember all of the events which brought you great pleasure in your life. Now, narrow it down to one or a few. **Stop! Do not look at the following question until you have taken enough time to complete the preceding exercise. Here is the question; Was the great pleasure you experienced from the event or events a result of you getting something or giving something?
Mennonite Central Committee, Sioux Falls, SD
Sunday, July 25th, 2010Boots on the ground around the world for ninety years. The MCC is a faith based community which makes service to others, one of their most important principles. This organization is currently working to help the residents, of over 60 countries learn to help themselves, in order to live lives in which they can take pride. Food, clothing and shelter are the most basic and urgent of needs provided after natural disasters. Education, infrastructure, micro-loans and farming are more long-term programs which are put in place for permanent growth.
Water, or lack there of, is generally the number one need. It is always a matter of dire urgency, especially when underground water tables can change because of an earthquake. Whole villages have to travel miles, in some cases, just for a few precious gallons of water. MCC has worked hard to always address the water issues in every way possible when their boots hit the ground after a disaster. This charity should be on your donor list.
Minn-Kota Festival, Sioux Falls, SD
Saturday, July 24th, 2010An entire community which comes together for the good of others is a pleasure to witness. Nine decades of ages, the very eldest of the group teaching the youngest by their actions. Most everyone in the group knowing everyone else by their first name.
Sandy Robertson, my initial contact this past January, was in charge of the children’s activity area at the festival. “Shaking in our boots to help earthquake victims worldwide” was the theme of the kid’s activities. Teenage kids designed and volunteered in the booths, which were adorned with boots, to raise monies for earthquake ravaged regions. These kids in this Mennonite community learn the importance of service at an early age. Steve Hopkins was my very generous transportation provider to Sioux Falls and was one of the very entertaining auctioneers during the live auction. Most, if not all auction items were donated for the sake of raising revenue. Bobbi and pastor Shel interacted with the attendees to the festival. I met so many friendly locals as I walked and talked my way through the festival. I sampled some of the local fare, including vatrenikje which proved to be quite addictive. These talented local artisans donated a combined tens of thousands of hours to make this festival a success. I was honored to be their guest. Many thanks to all.