There might be something to all of the heavy rains which fell in upstate New York the past few days. I decided to delay my departure from this area until tomorrow. Roads are flooded and others are impassable and driving The Kindness Bus in the rain is not high on my list of things I prefer. This gave me the opportunity to visit the children and teachers at Whitney Point Preschool once again. This was a perfect executive decision. To be able to once again talk with the children about the importance of being kind made my day complete. The nurturing environment of this preschool offers the children comfort and is echoed in what all of them said to me as I was about to leave,
“I am safe, I am loved, I am a friend.”
Today I was given the official Proclamation of One Million Acts Of Kindness Day in Whitney Point, New York. It will hang in The Kindness Bus to inspire me further.