Archive for August, 2017

Oregon Family Support Network

Thursday, August 10th, 2017


Thank you to Brandy who works for the Oregon Family Support Network helping families across the state find the help they need for a loved one. She has first hand experience with addiction and special needs in her family. God bless you Brandy. #DownSyndrome #Autism #ADNPKids #Bipolar #Aspergers #Cerebralpalsy #Addictions #Depression #Bullying #ADHD #Kindness #Bostonterrier #KindnessBus #KindnessBicycle #RingOurCountryWithKindness #OneMillionActsOfKindness

NAMI of Lane County

Wednesday, August 9th, 2017


Noelle Fay has bipolar mood disorder and a son with autism. She gives back by volunteering at National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI). She is also a former board member at Arc of Lane County. Kiki who receives help from NAMI came by to give a thumbs-up! #NAMI #DownSyndrome #Autism #ADNPKids #Bipolar #Aspergers #Cerebralpalsy #Addictions #Depression #Bullying #ADHD #Kindness #Bostonterrier #KindnessBus #KindnessBicycle #RingOurCountryWithKindness #OneMillionActsOfKindness




Tuesday, August 8th, 2017


I visited the Arc of Lane County, Oregon yesterday. These beautiful angels and their caregivers were so happy to see such a unique bike roll up to their door. Thank you to everyone who made this visit possible. #DownSyndrome #Autism #ADNPKids #Bipolar #Aspergers #Cerebralpalsy #Addictions #Depression #Bullying #ADHD #Kindness #Bostonterrier #KindnessBus #KindnessBicycle #RingOurCountryWithKindness #OneMillionActsOfKindness




Boise, Idaho

Monday, August 7th, 2017


Because of her addictions, Allan’s 38-year-old daughter is in a very bad way. She has been in prison on and off since she was 20 years old. He is sending a picture of these words, written on the back of the Kindness Bicycle, to her, with the hope it may help her and possibly save her life or someone just like her. #Addiction #DontDoDrugs #KindnessBicycle #Kindness

Jackson Hole

Sunday, August 6th, 2017


Raisa came over to the Kindness Bicycle with a boatload of joy and excitement, beaming from ear to ear at the sight of such a bike. From the high-fives and stories that were shared it is clear that there is a bright future of kindness ahead. Thank you to mom, Stasia for joining in with well-wishes. #DownSyndrome #Autism #ADNPKids #Bipolar #Aspergers #Cerebralpalsy #Addictions #Depression #Bullying #ADHD #Kindness #Bostonterrier #KindnessBus #KindnessBicycle #RingOurCountryWithKindness #OneMillionActsOfKindness

Katie Loves Dogs

Saturday, August 5th, 2017


We just met Katie from Chicago. She is a huge dog lover and certainly showed Bogart all kinds of love. She told me she was born with epilepsy and that they were going to go down right away and see the Kindness Bus and get one of the fliers for the ride to raise awareness for those with special needs. I told her to make sure to get some stickers. I would love to send her a copy of both of Bogart’s books because she is such a huge dog lover. I just need someone to send me an address. You are a beautiful angel Katie, thank you for being so kind.
Bob and Bogart too! #Epilepsy #DownSyndrome #Autism #ADNPKids #Bipolar #Aspergers #Cerebralpalsy #Addictions #Depression #Bullying #ADHD #Kindness #Bostonterrier #KindnessBus #KindnessBicycle #RingOurCountryWithKindness #OneMillionActsOfKindness


Friday, August 4th, 2017


Thank you to Meagan a local blogger from Jackson, Wyoming who has been hearing about the Kindness Bus and stopped by to find out what it is all about. #Kindness #OneMillionActsOfKindness #KindnessBus #JacksonWyoming #KindnessRocks