Archive for January, 2018

Remembering Kindness

Wednesday, January 10th, 2018


A very kind Elizabeth from Lake Park Elementary knows the importance of being kind and loves that Collier County celebrates Kindness Awareness Week. Elisabeth remembers many of the details from our program at her school two years ago.


New Naples Residents

Tuesday, January 9th, 2018


Jason and Lizzy are new full-time residents to Collier County. They lived on St. Thomas Virgin Islands and had to leave because of the devastation of hurricane Irma. They embody the meaning of kindness and are thrilled to participate in Collier County Kindness Awareness Week, every day, the rest of their lives. Lizzy has a blog called island lizzy. You can find it on

Kindness and Prayer

Monday, January 8th, 2018
My weekly day of prayer is today, the first time it has taken place during Collier County Kindness Awareness Week. I ask that everyone take some time to pray for kindness for everyone.

Corporate Kindness

Sunday, January 7th, 2018


Thank you to Jon and Melissa Bates and everyone at their Addicted to Fitness gym. They are huge participants in kindness during the year and will take part in making the Collier County community and even kinder place this Collier County Kindness Awareness  Week.



Saturday, January 6th, 2018


The very big crowd today at the Golisano Children’s Museum of Naples was treated to a dragon parade, a reading of Bogarts book, “It’s Always a Good Time to Make a New Friend,” meeting and connecting with Bogart, posing in his picture frame, and so many other things too numerous to mention. What a great time we are having.


Perfect Message

Friday, January 5th, 2018


Thank you to the Tree of Life church in East Naples, Florida for this perfect message for Collier County Kindness Awareness Week.

Kids in the Neighborhood

Thursday, January 4th, 2018


Thank you to Kaitlyn and José who know all about being kind. Kaitlyn remembers our school programs. Both of them are going to be kind all next week during Collier County Kindness Awareness Week. Thank you Kaitlyn and José who live in the neighborhood where I park the Kindness Bus.