Barton College, Wilson, NC

April 21st, 2010

4-21-10A day of rain kept the Kindness Bus under the posted speed for this long day of travel. I arrived on this beautiful campus in the pouring down rain. Opening the door to the bus, Bogart gave me one of those, do I have to go, kind of looks. With Bogart in tow, we walked in the rain to a very crowded Student Union building. Ms. Hamm met us with a very big smile as we entered, she immediately agreed to help spread the word in any way possible. My visit to this college should have lasted much longer than   it did as everyone I interacted with loved the thought of this being a kinder world. I visited the administration building hoping to find another interested party, I was told that chaplain, Hollie Woodruff would be a sure bet. I arrived at the admissions office to find another very big dog lover at the front desk, after showing Bogart a few minutes of scratching behind the ears, I was told that Hollie was on her honeymoon this week. We left a big stack of stickers for the staff, and left with a cookie for Bogart. I think Bogart was glad he got off the bus.

One Response to “Barton College, Wilson, NC”

  1. Hollie Woodruff says:

    So sorry I missed you! I did receive the stickers and passed them out! Thanks for stopping by. Blessings on your journey.
