Being There

January 27th, 2011

1-27-11 family_holding_handsBeing a role model to your children never ends. Staying every step along the way with your child during his or her school years is more important than it has ever been. There are so many bad choices for kids these days, so many opportunities to take a wrong turn. In-school kindness programs, when dovetailed with parents who are involved with all aspects of their child’s life, give the child the positive influences, to make choices which benefit them and others, throughout their lives. Letting your children know, at the earliest possible moment in their lives, about the importance of being kind and respecting others, will lay the foundation for children who can enrich the world around them throughout their entire lives.
Parenting a child is a full time job, it needs to be a constant effort of teaching and living by example for your children. I have had countless families take the “Kindness Challenge,” working together as a family toward a lifetime goal of performing One Million Acts Of Kindness. I can’t think of a better way of “being there” for your child.

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