Archive for March, 2011

Helping Hand up

Sunday, March 6th, 2011

cid_X-1cid_X-2Domestic violence doesn’t discriminate; it affects people from all socioeconomic levels. It could be most anyone who might need a helping hand one day. It is fortunate for those in need that there are people who dedicate their lives to this cause.I had the pleasure of meeting Gaye King this past Saturday. Gaye is the Executive Director of Breath of Heaven and is the answer for many who have no where else to turn. She and her staff work to help those who are homeless from any number of factors beyond their control at times. Her nonprofit has just acquired a parcel of land with several buildings, most are in need of repair. Thirty volunteers of all ages showed up to remodel or remove all of the structures.

X’d out identities of victims who are at times too proud or afraid to ask for help are given assistance by volunteers of this organization who provide comfort in helping these victims realize the importance of knowing their identity once again.Once back in society as a proud, productive individual, everyone who is helped by this organization stands a better chance of “paying it forward” to others in need.
Never in my life would I have thought I would be addressing such issues; issues of domestic violence, victims of childhood sexual abuse, officers killed in the line of duty and wounded warriors, but kindness is the common thread which can help with the burden one carries through life once affected by such tragedies. It can help as well to averting such tragedies.

Another Tipping Point

Friday, March 4th, 2011

Today we announced a twice cross-country bicycle tour to raise awareness for a few issues which don’t receive enough coverage. I have been hearing and seeing firsthand about some issues which I have decided to address.
A route we will take has been chosen and the dates are being set. We will post the route on the website in the near future. Please follow along for the 6 months we will be on the road and please take the time to visit The Bicycle Tour Page.
Realizing that the planning for the cross country Kindness Bicycle Trip was going to be time consuming is an understatement. We are going to need help with lodging, press, networking, even Bogart is going to need some assistance along the way. If any of you have thoughts or advice, I welcome them.
Another Tipping Point is the only way to explain why I am doing this. When you hear about something often enough and you realize that something needs to be done about it, hopefully you take action.
***I will continue to promote the lifetime goal of One Million Acts Of Kindness while raising awareness of issues along my journey. To me, kindness will help stop these hurtful acts.

MOMS Group to the Rescue

Thursday, March 3rd, 2011 never know where the next angel will appear and in which form. A number of weeks ago, I talked with the MOMS group at Holy Angels in Bainbridge, Ohio. I was asked to be a guest speaker to try to inspire some very inspired moms. A “preaching to the choir” type of talk. Having the predisposition to want to help others, I talked with this group about some pretty heady topics and hoped to make an impact.
Over the last couple of weeks one of the moms has been busy planning a benefit for One Million Acts Of Kindness. She is working to get many of the MOMS group to help create a “buzz” and work during the benefit. I was told in advance by one of the fathers of one of the mothers that this group of women is capable of changing the world; I don’t doubt it for one minute.
Upcoming blogs will be written as the March 24th date of the benefit nears. ThornCreek Winery in Aurora, Ohio is hosting the affair which takes place from 6pm until 10pm. Thank you in advance to everyone. Bob Votruba and Bogart too!!!

Indian River Sheriff’s Youth Ranch BBQ

Wednesday, March 2nd, 2011

3-2-11Late yesterday afternoon, I had the pleasure of meeting one of the local Deputy Sheriffs in Indian River county. We got talking about my mission and the school programs we do and before you know it, he had facilitated a space for The Kindness Bus at the IR Sheriff’s BBQ.
Officers from many surrounding communities and national law enforcement agencies were in attendance today demonstrating their expertise in their specialized fields. Bogart seemed to be impressed with the K9 dogs working for the enjoyment of a very large audience.
Very interested families of parents and children found The Kindness Bus to be a nice addition to this year’s annual event. One of the first County employee who was at the event said she had walked all the displays and that The Kindness Bus “was by far the nicest vehicle at the event.” It was a huge success for The Kindness Bus Tour.
Every couple of months or so, I am able to find a local Red Cross blood donor center, today the local county blood donor center found me. Pulling directly behind The Kindness Bus were blood donor workers Gina, Stephanie and Bernadette. These 3 women were highly professional and friendly. Bogart was even able to watch me donate a pint of AB- as he seemed to enjoy the amenities of the blood mobile bus more than The Kindness Bus.

Kindness Down Under

Tuesday, March 1st, 2011

Kangaroo picIt was bound to happen. Hey Mate! There’s a kindness movement heading your way. Australia would be a logical location for the kindness movement to spread. Another Kindness Bus on the road? A recent transplant from California to this island continent, country has proposed such an idea. This would be the jam on my toast for sure. Already having a van and in need of a paint job as well, this couple is giving serious consideration to doing it up big time. Photos of The Kindness Bus from every possible angle and a jpg of the front and rear of the sticker have been sent. As this movement grows globally, it only make sense that there would be someone out there who might want to do the same. This little blue ball can use all The Kindness Buses it can possibly stand. If you have seen enough hatred in the news and haven’t done anything about it, maybe this is your wake up call. Only you can do it, because if you don’t, that means you’re waiting for someone else to do it, and it probably won’t happen. Don’t let another moment go by without you taking a stand against hatred. Do it big time, and do it with a kind heart.