Archive for June, 2011

National Network to End Domestic Violence

Thursday, June 2nd, 2011

6-2-11 AI first talked with Brian Namey, Communications Director for the NNEDV a little over a month ago. It was apparent at that time that he has a passion for helping those affected by Domestic Violence. Today I had the pleasure of meeting with him for an interview at his office in Washington DC. So many powerfully, insightful answers to my questions were given, helping me to better understand the seriousness and complexities of this issue. We talked about the human side of Domestic Violence as well and how the “control and power” starts subtly in a controlling relationship, but far too many times, ends tragically.
Sue Else, President of the NNEDV graciously took the time to meet with us in her office and shared her views on making our mission more impactful for those we encounter along our travels. She told me of all of the resources available at over 2,000 places of refuge to help anyone affected by domestic violence across the country.
Thank you to the entire st6-2-11 Baff at the NNEDV who came out of their offices to share their stories and well wishes for us. What an essential visit this was for me. Bogart was even made to feel welcome as he was doted upon by everyone.
The remainder of the afternoon and evening, I spent in the area around the White House and had many conversations with people who thanked me for my efforts.
The day ended with a meeting with Matt, a former prosecutor in Domestic Violence cases, his insight gave me a glimpse into the legal side of this issue. His words of encouragement of my mission, helped me realize I am on the right track.

My sincere thanks to Alexandra, Moriah, and the entire staff at NNEDV for their work, understanding and hospitality.

If You Are In An Abusive Relationship, Leave Now!

Wednesday, June 1st, 2011

6-1-11Arriving in Washington DC, I called the National and DC Domestic Violence Coalitions and soon I had 2 meetings arranged, one for tomorrow and one on Monday.  I guess a guy on a bike can make a difference, a guy with an enormous passion for raising awareness for Domestic Violence and Childhood Sexual Abuse that is.
My bicycle has 2 large signs attached to the rear rack. One says, “Be a Man, Don’t Raise a Hand, Stop Domestic Violence,” the other, “Stop Childhood Sexual Abuse Now!” Needless to say I get thousands of looks a day. Most responses are positive, some are indifferent, others look at me as if the person is thinking, “are you directing that at me?” I am hoping I strike a nerve in those who would ever think of committing one of these despicable acts. The last group I get feedback from are 2 or more young men in cars whose occupants at times shout out testosterone laced retorts; I for sure hope somehow I am reaching this demographic.