Archive for August, 2013

Leaving Sausalito

Monday, August 5th, 2013

People have come out of the woodwork to help me during the first 4 years of The Kindness Bus Tour. A great help to this mission is Michael MacNeill, a Sausalito resident. Michael has helped me find a temporary home for The Kindness Bus and shuttled me back to the rental car I am using to head east. A big thank you to Michael!!
I will be back in Sausalito for nearly the entire month of October. This town is an amazing place for making connections with people from across the world. Conversations could go on all day…and they do sometimes.
One thing is for certain, it is tough leaving Sausalito. It is such a paradise.

Boxes and Bags

Sunday, August 4th, 2013

8-4-13How do you fit the contents of the entire Kindness Bus into this gold Malibu, Chevrolet…you don’t. I did come pretty close though. I will come back to Sausalito in October to donate The Kindness Bus to a group in that area and to finish up my remaining packing.
The new and improved Kindness Bus, when it is found, will have half the storage area of its predecessor. I will donate about half of everything. One thing is for sure, I will be forced to be a bit more tidy. The “messy closet” that currently is a part of my home will no longer be.
Bogart may have to downsize from the existing 50 or so toys that are a part of his collection. His life will be simpler as well.

His Global Reach

Saturday, August 3rd, 2013

8-3-13Greg Wasinski is a dear friend of nearly 10 years. He is one of those types of individuals I feel like I have known for a lifetime…I guess with all of my life changes over that period of time, it might well have been a lifetime.
Greg has an amazing ministry that has transformed his life and the hundreds of thousands of souls who have heard his message. This mission of his is going to have life altering benefits for people around the globe.
Visit his website and then spread it to friends and help to spread his reach, globally.

London Town

Friday, August 2nd, 2013

8-2-13With each passing day, I am amazed at how word of One Million Acts Of Kindness is spreading across the ponds. Many people contact me from other countries during the course of the week. The Internet and media have played a very big part in making this happen.
Over the past year, I have been taking every opportunity that presents itself when I am approached by people from England to talk with them about how The Kindness Bicycle would be received in London. The signs would address kindness, respect and compassion. The response has been unanimous…basically, when can you get there?
I am now studying the feasibility of a Kindness Bicycle ride of a few months in London next year. Stay tuned!

Bogart’s “Seal” of Approval

Thursday, August 1st, 2013

8-1-13Since 1966 this bronze has watched over Richardson Bay and the nearly fifty years of change in this region. Things have come, things have gone. Huge homes have been built, the skyline of San Francisco has doubled, bigger yachts moor in the waters. I guess bigger is better is the belief.
To me, simpler has become better. Having less possessions is a joy. Possessing joy is all we really need to have. Leading a simple life eliminates the clutter of possessions.
Just as having too much clutter in one’s life can lead to complexities, having too much clutter in one’s mind can lead to a too complex a life. Simplifying your life and slowing your mind will lead to greater inner joy. I recommend it highly. It earns the Bogart seal of approval.