Archive for 2011

The Heart of Kindness

Saturday, December 17th, 2011

12-17-11Tom, a shirt off the back kind of guy, literally, was busy taking photos of The Kindness Bus when I arrived back with Bogart, from taking an evening walk. Tom has traveled the world for past 30 years, selecting filming sites for movie studios. Tom is all about spreading kindness in every language around the world. He loved the entrance door to The Kindness Bus with the word “peace” written in 47 languages. It then dawned on Tom that he was wearing a kindness shirt with a red heart, he has worn it all over the world, to some of the holiest sites on earth. I agreed with Tom when he thought it would make a great addition to The Kindness Bus Tour. He and I swapped shirts and he loved his almost new “Thank You” shirt. When Gratitude and Kindness get together…incredible things are bound to happen.
Today was a magical day! I met so many caring people who wish the world for One Million Acts Of Kindness. Today for some reason, The Kindness Bus was in the limelight. I love to paint some its sayings, so they continue to look freshly painted. I like to do this when there is a large captive audience nearby. On three separate occasions today, various people from the art world stopped by to express their interest in the unique beauty of The Kindness Bus. Much more about this in the New Year.

Beverly Hills

Friday, December 16th, 2011

12-16-11This town has some of the nicest people and some of the meanest hills. The Kindness Bicycle rode some of these challenging hills today on this 3rd to last day of The Kindness Bicycle Tour. The mid-60 degree weather was perfect for riding but these mid-50 year old knees started complaining so I rode the rest of the day on the flat terrain.
Deborah, one of the nicest women you could ever meet is involved in helping people nationwide, she is getting on the One Million Acts Of Kindness bandwagon by spreading the message to all of her friends around the country.
Today was a major shopping day, as there are just a few days before Christmas and Hanukkah. Everyone seemed to be preoccupied with the holiday spirit and focused on shopping. The Kindness Bicycle for the first time in 7 months seemed to be a tough sell.
The upcoming 4,000 mile bicycle ride this spring, from Los Angeles to Jacksonville, Florida has been named, “The Bicycle Ride for Heroes.”

Students Being Kind in Their Own Backyard

Thursday, December 15th, 2011

12-15-11Today, the morning was spent working on an interview and researching a spot that The Kindness Bus can be parked for three weeks in Los Angeles over the holidays. Anybody out there have any thoughts?
This afternoon, the Environmental Club from Malibu High School was visiting area shopping centers to hand out “green” bags to all the shoppers. Malibu High School Environmental teacher Sarah Ryan and City of Malibu Coastal Preservation Specialist Casey Zweig were with a small group of students when they found me getting back to The Kindness Bus. I am always impressed with students who spend their free time helping people, animals or the environment.
Only three more days of riding The Kindness Bicycle remain until the tire dunk in the Pacific Ocean. I have decided to perform this in Malibu on Monday.
After the new year, The Kindness Bicycle will be outfitted with new signage to address awareness for Wounded Warriors and Safety Forces killed in the line of duty. This next ride begins in Los Angeles on January 21st and ends in Jacksonville, Florida in early June. This will be a very important ride, taking the message to schoolchildren, of who the real heroes are in our society. I will also visit Veterans Hospitals, Police Stations, Firehouses and Legislators along my travels. To say I am busting with enthusiasm is a huge understatement.


Wednesday, December 14th, 2011

Marmalade 2I love Marmalade!! I love Marmalade on  my toast. I love Marmalade on my oatmeal. I love Marmalade and peanut butter sandwiches. I love Marmalade for everything. I now have a new love for Marmalade…for the Kindness Stickers.
There is a restaurant in Malibu called Marmalade; The nicest people work here. Barbara is the General Manager of this Southern California based restaurant chain and has a unique way to promote One Million Acts Of Kindness in Malibu. The wait staff is going to put Kindness Stickers on their check presenters they keep with them during their shift. What a great way for a restaurant to show to its customers how interested they are in kindness.
Today’s very short ride was in perfect California weather. I am getting positive response from everyone responding to the signs on The Kindness Bicycle. There is quite an interest in The Kindness Bus from the paparazzi as I make my way through these California coastal towns.

Kindness Bus Sighting on Both Coasts!

Tuesday, December 13th, 2011

12-13-11Steve Monarque and his wife saw The Kindness Bus just as The Kindness Bicycle Tour to raise awareness about Domestic Violence and Childhood Sexual Abuse was about to begin its trek from New York City, across the great expanse of the United States to California. Steve, who is a talented actor and Christian musician, was at a roadside Christmas tree sale, to benefit Malibu High School. Steve is volunteering for the good of community, for the good of children in Malibu. Upon meeting him and seeing The Kindness Bus here in Malibu, he told me of his sighting of The Kindness Bus on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. I am beyond excited!! I gave Steve a large stack of Kindness Stickers to hand out to all of his customers. He agreed with me that Christmas and Kindness go hand in hand.
Kind acts for for the good of kids never go unrecognized. Kids long for others to do good for them. Showing kids with your actions is just the type of example needed in a big way in today’s world. Kids can never have enough role models. Be one today. Be one all the time!

Malibu, California

Monday, December 12th, 2011

12-12-11Bogart worked wonders in this beachside community today. I got a late start from new friend Michael Townsend and headed to Malibu High School, to start my day, with the hopes of presenting to the student body after the New Year. With a call from Malibu Chronicle’s, Publisher and Editor, Paul Michael Ruffman to schedule an interview soon after, I headed out in an all day rain and temps in the 50s, barely noticed. I decided to get Bogart out of The Kindness Bus to do a little PR work. Bogart, donned in his collared Polo and brought comfort and joy to all of Malibu.
The six degrees of separation surfaced today as Brittani and Gabby, who are in their first year of Veterinary School at Ohio State, loved Bogart and were head over when I told them we are from Ohio and had visited their campus.
I am hoping to put some miles on The Kindness Bicycle tomorrow as the weather is supposed to be more conducive to riding.
Thank you to Brittani and Gabby for suggesting and taking today’s picture.

Almost the End of the Trail

Sunday, December 11th, 2011

12-11-11Nine days are left to The Kindness Bicycle/Kindness Bus Tour to raise awareness about Domestic Violence and Childhood Sexual Abuse. Time has flown by. Nearly 7 months have passed since the outset of my journey began on May 14th. The route I took seemed to change very early on as the roads on which I traveled became too dangerous for my choosing. Many times, routes were changed for convenience, other times for events that were scheduled during our travels.
The fact is, the “End of the Trail” will not come to an end for, The Kindness Bicycle/Kindness Bus Tour to raise awareness about Domestic Violence and Childhood Sexual Abuse. A part of One Million Acts Of Kindness will always address these two issues. A lifelong mindset of kindness will never allow the horrible thoughts one may have as a perpetrator. Everyone should have a lifelong mindset of kindness, we are working to make this happen. Please help with your personal actions.